I knew God was giving me a promotion which doesn't come easy! It is not comfortable but that is how we grow. I began thinking about promotions through the years and I don't believe anyone else gave me a promotion, I believe they were all from God. I may not have known it and my bosses may not have known it but God spoke to them. I was not lucky, I was blessed.
God has plans for promotions. Daniel 6:3, "Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom." God may have a promotion for you but it is not the right time. You may feel you are at the end of something but your ending may be God's beginning. When we wait, we think we are doing nothing but that is when God is doing something deeply! People in the Bible waited! Sarah thought she was waiting for a baby but she was being transformed to the mother of the nations! I heard someone say, when you wait, you're waiting for your soul to grow up!
Climbing the ladder of success takes a lot longer than falling off.